Canada Postal Code Gold Edition

Canada Postal Code Gold Edition

  • Unbeatable Price & Accuracy
  • Monthly Update
  • Free Customer Service
  • 30-Days Money Back Guarantee
  • Redistribution License Available
  • Multiple Data Format
  • Format Customization Service
One Month Subscription
USD $225.95
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One Year Subscription
USD $495.95
One year subscription
(monthly update)
Last Update: July 2024
Next Update: August 2024

Overview of Canada Postal Code Gold Edition

The complete Canada Postal Code Gold Edition database contains over 1,300,000 precise records and includes a total of 28 data fields.

List of inclusive data fields:
Postal Code, City, City Old Name, Province Abbreviation, Area Code, Latitude, Longitude, Elevation, Time Zone, Day Light Saving, Population, Dwelling, Building Name, Street Name, Street Type Code, Street Direction Code, Street Address Sequence Code, Street Address From Number, Street Address Number Suffix From Code, Street Address To Number, Street Address Number Suffix To Code, Suite From Number, Suite To Number, Delivery Mode, Delivery Installation, Station Information, Last Update Date & Obsolete Date.

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Purchase and Download Instructions

The full database is available for download instantly upon purchased. After click on "Buy Now" button, you will be redirected to our verified payment processing vendor's secure site to complete the purchase order. Once order has been approved, computer-generated account, sales invoice & download instructions will be delivered to your email address immediately.

Free sample data of Canada Postal Code Gold Edition is available for download instantly to help customer in product evaluation. Please refer to Technical Specifications tab above for sample data download link.

Buy 1 Year Subscription
Now at USD $495.95
Buy 1 Month Subscription
Now at USD $225.95

Other Licensing Options

Although our usage terms prohibit reselling our raw database records, Redistribution License is available for developers to redistribute our database together with commercially-developed applications. Kindly refer to the Redistribution License Terms for more details.

Buy 1 Year Redistribution License
Now at USD $1299.95

Other Product Delivery Methods

To adhere with our company principles of minimum carbon footprint in our operation, all products are available in digital format and to be downloaded via Internet only. However, if physical media is required, please contact us for special arrangement. We always do our best to fulfill your requirement.

Canada Postal Code Gold Edition Data Format and Required Disk Space

FormatExtensionSize (Compressed)Size (Uncompressed)
Comma Separated ValueDownload Full Dataset.csv30.18MB371.96MB
Microsoft ® Excel 2007Download Full Dataset.xlsx218.34MB266.82MB
Microsoft ® AccessDownload Full Dataset.mdb87.59MB1,088.39MB
alert Looking for other format? Don't hesitate, request from us now!

Canada Postal Code Gold Edition Database Fields Definition

Field No.Field NameData TypeDescriptions
1PostalCodechar(7)A six character, alphanumeric combination (ANA NAN) assigned to one or more postal address.
2Cityvarchar(50)City name as designated by the Canada Postal Code.
3CityOldNamevarchar(50)An old city name that is no longer recognized as a valid mailing address by Canada Post
4ProvinceCodechar(2)The two-letter abbreviations for Canadian provinces and territories that are recognized by Canada Post on mail in Canada.
5AreaCodevarchar(50)The telephone area code(s) of the particular postal zone.
6LatitudedecimalThe geographic coordinate of a point measured in degrees north or south of the equator.
7LongitudedecimalThe geographic coordinate of a point measured in degrees east or west of the Greenwich (prime) meridian.
8ElevationintegerThe Postal Code average elevation.
9TimeZonechar(2)Time zone designation within Canada.
10DayLightSavingchar(1)Flag indicating whether the city of the Postal Code area observes day light saving.
11PopulationintegerThe population for Forward Sortation Area as reported by Census 2006.
12DwellingintegerThe total private dwellings for Forward Sortation Area as reported by Census 2006.
13Buildingchar(250)The name of a business or apartment building.
14StreetNamechar(50)The official civic name of a roadway or artery.
15StreetTypeCodechar(6) The official description used to identify the type of artery or roadway.
16StreetDirectionCodechar(2)The street direction component of an official street name.
17StreetSequenceCodechar(1)This code identifies the sequence associated with the range of street numbers.
18StreetFromNochar(6)The lowest street number in a range of municipal street addresses.
19StreetFromSuffixchar(1)The address suffix associated with the street address from number.
20StreetToNochar(6)The highest street number in a range of municipal street addresses.
21StreetToSuffixchar(1)The address suffix associated with the street address from number.
22SuiteFromNochar(6) The lowest value in a range of suites or apartments.
23SuiteToNochar(6)The highest value in a range of suites or apartments.
24DeliveryModechar(2)The part of the Delivery Mode which identifies the type of delivery service.
25DeliveryInstallationchar(2)The category of delivery installation
26StationInfochar(50)Station information that represents proper postal installation.
27LastUpdateDateintegerThe last update date of this ZIP Code/Postal Code record in the format of year and month (e.g. 201106 represents year 2011 month of June).
28ObsoleteDateintegerThe date this ZIP Code/Postal Code record become obsolete or no longer in postal service. The date is in the format of year and month (e.g. 201106 represents year 2011 month of June).